Recycle Bin Cleaning & Toronto Trash Can Cleaning Service Equipment
BagEZ is a tool to stop you from having to do a Recycle Bin Cleaning or hire a local Toronto Trash Can Cleaning Service regularly.
A trash can cleaning service tool for Toronto, The Region of Peel, in Ontario, consists of Mississauga, Brampton, Caledon, Canada & North America. We come to you & make keeping green bins, Trash Cans, recycling & garbage containers clean so effortless; you do it.
If you are tired of cleaning dirty, stinky bins, you have come to the right place. BagEZ is a super easy solution that stops garbage bins from getting all messy & disgusting no matter how gross their contents are. Simply put- NEVER HAVE A DIRTY BIN AGAIN!
Diy Toronto trash can cleaning service.
The containers provided by the city are too large for everyday trash or compost bags. These bags are built to hold heavyweights; they are not designed to fit wheelie bins with legs. BagEZ bag holders bring your bags and containers together to provide a system that prevents containers from getting dirty & gross – that’s it! See The Video Here
Why do you need BagEZ?
Residential garbage and recycling waste are collected bi-weekly, while organics are collected weekly through the green recycling bin system. Unavoidable food waste, especially fish, poultry, meat products, pet waste, and kid’s diapers, emits odors. The rotting stench attracts flies that cause maggots, pests, and rodents, such as mice and raccoons.
Green Recycle Bin Cleaning Tips: Bag Waste
Standard bags used to dispose of garbage fail, causing a bad smell. To prevent and control the stink, we freeze /wrap leftovers in paper before chucking them into your refuse cart on garbage pickup day. In contrast, others’ backyard compost or are using home composters. Each method helps divert organics from landfills, helping reduce greenhouse gases. A trash can cleaning service helps maintain and prevent your trash can from getting nasty.
For the majority, freezing or backyard composting leftovers is difficult. Most homes have a single fridge or freezer; neighbors may object to a compost pit if it attracts pests or stinks up the place.
How do we keep our garbage bins clean?
Many households use single-use plastic grocery bags to contain waste and put them in a recycle bin. These bags are thin and frequently leak and rip even when debris is pilled. When possible, compostable bin liners are used as a plastic alternative; they come in various sizes and are used in small kitchen counter bins. They do leak sometimes because of the weight when trash gets packed on. Garbage juice and leaked putrid waste thicken over time, get hard to clean, and contain harmful viruses and bacteria. So we need a Trash can cleaning tool.
Many residents store their curbside trash cans in their garages, often for convenience or aesthetics. Reducing odors is essential.
Toronto Trash Can Cleaning Service: Climate Tips
Summer’s warmer temperatures, unlike Canadian winters, make tacking waste harder. Heat turns the contents of green storage bins into stink pits. These trash can cleaning rules are common throughout Canada, from Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and other cities and towns, and they involve dirty work.
Existing Recycle Bin Cleaning Solutions
There are three ways we do this presently
- Recycle bin cleaning
- Using better quality bags to dispose of waste
- Not letting dirty bin smell & sight affect you.
- Use A Trash Can Cleaning Service
1: Regular washing Helps
Regular monthly recycle bin cleaning makes it easier and avoids foul gunk build-up. Maintaining a bin is more accessible than performing one-off cleaning. Various products available online and on the shelf make cleaning easier. From organic/green to chemical products in solvents, powders, or sprays are available. Some require letting the product sock in to loosen any stubborn matter and liquids in the bin. But still, there will often be a fair bit of scrubbing needed. Soda bicarbonate and a few similar products help reduce trash odors, or you can pay and have a person be your bin cleaner.
Green Fixes
Hot water, vinegar, salt, and many other solutions are there to kill them, but the cleanup is plain brutal and disgusting. Do you know anyone who likes intricate and disgusting work for no pay?
2: Using better quality bags,
Bags help contain and keep waste off bin walls. LDPE bags are a good option as they stretch and are made to avoid puncture. Compostable bags come in various qualities. Find the one that is best for you and large enough for a proper seal. Large paper bags are available to stop regular green recycle bin cleaning, but they can be costly and have been known to get soggy and break down. Some paper bag brands have plastic or compostable liners to fight bag disintegration. Oversized bags are used in factories and would be a great fix to stop using a local Toronto trash can cleaning service
3: I Don’t care; I’m just not Bothered!
Most of us do not care about our bins until stomach-turning maggots crawl all over our chests or the odor gets too powerful. A considerable percentage also do not use the green bins because they do not wish to pay for a trash can cleaning service or do it themselves. Food or organic waste, everything they discard, goes into the recycling blue bin or garbage pail. Many do this to prevent the messy work needed to keep containers clean. Not everyone cares about the environment, but it’s common sense to separate food waste because a garbage dump is hard to source, and we are running out of space.
Waste diversion, separation, and the environment’s going green were top priorities until recently. Unfortunately, this has changed.
5: Use A Trash Can Cleaning Service
These convenient trash can cleaning services are available in Canada. A few are in and around Ontario, Toronto, and the GTA. British Columbia, Vancouver, St John’s in Nova Scotia, Alberta, Calgary, Manitoba, Winnipeg, Newfoundland, Labrador, Quebec, and Saskatchewan. In Florida, Texas, and Vegas, in the United States, these services are available.
How Has The Coronavirus Changed Waste Collection?
COVID-19, better known as the coronavirus, has changed everything. Our critical focus is keeping our family, kids and loved ones safe by properly cleaning and sterilizing regularly touched surfaces. Social distancing and working from home means trash cans fill up more than usual.
COVID-19 Household Waste Guidelines
Cities have implemented new rules regarding household hazardous waste collection & management to fight the coronavirus pandemic.
Any personal protective equipment (PPE), such as face masks, gloves, tissues, especially disposable wipes used for disinfecting and sanitizing surfaces and other possibly contaminated items, must be placed in a trash bag before garbage truck pickup. This protects our front-line garbage truck and sanitation workers, who are at the most risk. If waste collection, an essential service, were to get delayed or canceled, trash would pile up quickly, causing additional health concerns.
Separating Contaminated Waste
Separating waste before the COVID-19 pandemic was necessary; now, more than ever, it is vital. During this time, bulky household item pickup will be suspended, resulting in waste in the garage. This is only a temporary measure to manage the increase of household waste during the self-isolation and social distancing period and to ensure infected items and trash do not become an additional health risk or concern. So regular recycle bin cleaning is important
BagEZ A DIY Trash Can Cleaning Service?
BagEZ, a heavy-duty trash bag holder, does what a trash can cleaning service does for you. It gives you clean trash cans after your waste is collected. It allows you to use trash bags, making them work better and more effectively. Fit and use any size standard or trash bag as a bin liner. Keep bins clean so quickly that you’re left with a clean container whenever your trash pickup happens. No painful and disgusting trash bin cleaning or washing is needed.
BagEZ The Way To Maintain Hygiene Without a Recycle Bin Cleaning
BagEZ is versatile, durable, simple to use, and made to make waste management anywhere easy. Turn bags into pop-up bins, hang, hook, clip on to beams, or wall mount and declutter your garage of extra containers that occupy space in often cramped rooms.
The old way of keeping bins clean or managing waste was hard; the new method is much easier while you still help divert waste.
Make Bags More Efficient!
Finding a Toronto trash can cleaning service to service your bin is hard. Having a dependable solution makes more sense. Secure biodegradable trash or compostable bags used for garbage disposal in your outdoor garbage can. Now, just 1 to 2 13-gallon trash bags can manage your family’s waste without any messy inconvenience. BagEZ works with all existing products and tools that help make life easier, such as a trash compactor to press in your trash bag and increase the room in the bin after releasing your heavy load from your BagEZ unit. A Bin deodorant helps deodorize, control, and mask foul odors. Many do a green recycle bin cleaning regularly. BagEZ stops them from putting in the effort.
Keep Pests Out Of Trash Cans
Raccoons, squirrels, and other pests often get into the bin, so using a bin enclosure or a band to keep your trash can lid shut works excellent. Some green recycling bins often have built-in locking systems; BagEZ does not interfere with any of these. All you do is pick the size that fits in your outdoor trash can; that’s it. It’s that easy. See the Video
What Problem Does BagEZ Solve?
How can you get clean bins without performing a disgusting bin wash- Simple use BagEZ
What Else Can I Use BagEZ For?
Wanting to go beyond just trash cans, offer you the best value, and make life easier, we designed BegEZ to work just about anywhere, from trash cans to outdoor events, picnics, birthday parties, and Backyard Leaf cleanup to activities such as fishing, beach, or camping. Hang, hook, clip, or carry, the durable steel frame easily supports bags up to 55lb/25kgs. Video
BagEZ will make waste management & Trash Handling easy.
How Do I Clean My Garbage Bin?
The traditional way of keeping your stinky garbage bins clean and fresh involves disgusting time-consuming work. BagEZ bag holder makes it super simple. Use any size bin liner in your large outdoor garbage bins and get a clean bin every time.
How To Clean A Smelling Garbage Can?
Garbage juice and rotting food waste stink up bins. Bin liners keep all putrid matter contained. BagEZ holders make garbage bags from 8 gallons onwards to fit your outdoor garbage recycling and green bins. Get your bins clean and fresh without frequent washes, saving you time and money.
How To Clean A Green Garbage Bin?
➣Your green bin or organic cart can get real nasty. Unavoidable food and pet waste decompose and stink up green bins.
➣ Tips to make green bin cleaning less painful.
➣ Time your trash can cleaning day to match your weekly waste collection.
➣ Drill a few drain holes at the bottom of the bin for water.
➣ Have the required tools and safety PPE products handy.
➣ Apply safety gear, and pour boiling water carefully down the walls of your bin. Hot water helps loosen up thick grime.
➣ Apply your detergent along the wall and hose out the bin.
➣ Using a pressure washer removes gunk and lessens the amount of hand scrubbing needed.
➣ An extendable scrubber avoids you having to reach into the bin while allowing the removal of stubborn grime and waste.
➣ Repeat until you get the result desired.
➣ Use a bin liner to prevent your bin from getting dirty and requiring regular washes.
➣ BagEZ trash bag holders fit any bag from 8 gallons onwards, keep your waste contained, and provide you with clean bins every time, saving you time & money.
How To Store Your Green Bins?
➣ Store Your outdoor bin in the shade. Cooler temperatures hold off the decay process, lowering odors emitted and grub infestation.
➣ If pests are a constant nuisance, ensure your bin can lock.
➣ Avoid storing your outdoor bins inside garages to prevent flies and rodents.
➣ Build a bin enclosure if you have larger pest scavengers like bears.
➣ Keeping your bins clean prevents grime and waste build-up that sticks to the walls of bins, making storage easier
➣ Use bin deodorizers to control smell
How Do You Get Rid Of A Green Bin Smell?
➣ Meat, fish, cheese, and other food products and temperatures cause a rotten smell. Pet poop and diapers depending on where you reside can be added to your green bin and also make green wheelie bin cleaning disgusting. Cleaning your container regularly avoids a build-up of gunk in your organics cart. Maintaining a clean bin is more accessible than heavy cleaning. ➣ Use bin liners to keep your food contained and cans clean.
➣ Unlike shopping/grocery bags, bin liners are designed to hold heavy loads and resist puncture and tears. If finding large trash bags is challenging and expensive, or you waste extra plastic, try BagEZ Trash Bag Holders. They fit any bag you want and solve your problem. You get a clean Trash container every time your waste is collected. It’s That Easy.
Use bin deodorizers, and scented trash bags also help keep the smell down.
How To Put Food In Green Bin?
➣ The way you dispose of food in your green bin depends on local regulations and guidelines and climate.
➣ Some regions recommend disposing of food waste with any bag; others will not collect it if it is not in a bag.
Always check your local waste management site for accepted green bin items.
➣ Compostable bagpiping/grocery bags are widely used to line and are widely used kitchen counter bins. These bags are then disposed of in your outdoor organics cart.
➣ You can also use large bin liners to keep your food waste contained and bins clean. Try BagEZ Garbage Bag Holders and line your containers with everyday standard-sized bags.