
Accelerate Green Bin Collection Rates

improve CURBSIDE FOOD waste diversion by eliminating the

stink mess and hassle associated with the green bin cart

with bagez a sustainable cost-effective solution that works

green bin food waste diversion system BagEZ

Food Waste Hierarchy

We focus on improving curbside composting and organics recycling through convenience to assist the food waste cycle.

Anaerobic digestion or composting is the final filter to prevent food waste from being sent to landfill or incineration.

Source separation is vital to increase diversion rates.

Food Waste Diversion Hierarchy BagEZ

Only a collective effort can stop food waste.

Stopping food waste from landfills requires action from all involved. A joint effort from the government, recyclers & businesses’ has

The biggest challenge faced is getting homeowners involved. To help diversion, many residents are provided with a green bin to separate, store & make collecting organics easier.

It's Time For Teamwork

entrepreneurs growing sustainable green innovations and business


Waste Products

Homeowners adopting a zero waste lifestyle


Waste Generators

Government policies on food waste and green bin use


Waste Policies

Recycling facilities WRF improving diversion


Waste Collectors

Green bin smells bad after cleaning

The Green Bin Link

The green bin makes sorting food waste easy, but many find it a nuisance. Food scraps quickly stink and mess bins up.

Many only use their recycling and garbage cans to avoid cleaning their filthy green bins. Less work for them.


Approx 30% of waste in trash cans is organic

People are ready to do the right thing as long as it’s convenient, hygienic, and cost-effective.

Why Food Waste Matters

Food Waste Generation chart by Industry

Room For Improvement

Food rescue & education programs reduce emissions by ensuring that the energy & resources used to grow the food do not go to waste.

Fact: Leftovers, spoilt or dishes people are bored of happen often.

46.7% of food items we buy we waste. Without a robust compost program, improperly disposed organics end up in landfills producing greenhouse gas

Beyond Food Waste

food waste going to landfill

Landfill Capacity Ghg / Leachate

Organics occupy space and fill up landfills, while producing methane gas Contaminatie groundwater and attract wildlife
Food waste methane emissions accelerate global warming and climate change

Greenhouse Gas Global Warming

Methane gas causes climate change. If food waste was a country, it is the 3rd largest contributor to emissions
food waste contamination of recyclable material

Win With Teamwork

Improperly disposed organics render recyclable material into garbage & tipping & disposal fees for haulers

Does Climate Change

Guide Our Actions?

Most say they sort waste & use the green bin, however, what we say & do in public often differs when no one is around to judge our actions.

Getting rid of the smelly, gross stuff quickly & without it raising a stink, & more work takes priority.

Contamination rates remain high, despite food waste education programs changing how we look, buy & properly dispose of our organic scraps.

climate emergency and preparedness

The Green Bin Barriers

Avoiding the green bin is just evolution There are various reasons people fail to use the green bin as required. Understanding why helps create solutions to overcome the obstacles homeowners face. Only through teamwork can we make the diversion targets set achievable.
climate emergency and preparedness

Now Is the Time

Garbage & recycling contamination rates remain high, & the pandemic-regressed progress achieved by various programs. Organic decomposition in landfills causes carbon emissions, if not curbed, cause climate change. That will cost governments billions to fix. Today, corporations to small communities are focused on sustainability to reduce emissions.

Think It- Do It

The bane of source separation is the smell & gross nature of the task. We work to improve the existing framework & avoid disrupting the process.

Eliminating barriers drive participation in organics separation programs, resulting in an instantaneous measurable increase in the volume of biowaste collection.

Our solution can help achieve zero waste targets However, only cooperation and teamwork can we guarantee success.

BagEZ Integration into waste collection System

System Integration

BagEZ provides Immediate & Measurable food waste diversion capture

Immediate & Measurable

BagEZ helps Change How People perceive Composting of Food Waste

Change Mindset

BagEZ improves garbage truck organic and recycling collection rates

Improve Process

BagEZ helps recyclers optimize collection routes and improve diversion

Expense Reduction

using BagEZ conserves water used to clean trash cans

Resource Conservation

BagEZ helps reduce organic contamination and improves recycling rates

Reduce Contamination

BagEZ helps meet waste and organic diversion targets

Achieve Targets

BagEZ trash bag holder in 65 gallon green bin

Simple Easy Convenient

BagEZ, our trademarked bag holder, keeps bins clean, fresh and looking like new. Compostable, biodegradable or plastic use any size or type of bag allowed into the waste stream. Separating food waste & reducing our carbon footprint has never been so mess & hassle-free

The BagEZ Method

How BagEZ trash bag holders improve food waste collection and circular economy
source curbside separation focus

We Got It Covered

BagEZ is easy to use design that eliminates, saves & provides a variety of benefits, making keeping the green bin clean completely effortless Made to last, adapt & be flexible to provide the freedom to choose while suiting individual needs & improving household hygiene. Residents save money on items or services needed to maintain their bins & water, too, a valuable resource
The benefits of a green bin program

Improving the Process

Incorporating BagEZ into the curbside collection program will boost collection rates and help achieve the emission goals.

Separating organics from recycling & garbage generates contamination-free recyclable material that fetches a better price in the market while keeping organics out of landfills where it produces harmful greenhouse gasses.

How BagEZ improves composting and recycling rates
Dual waste bin with lid



You know the value & benefits of separating food waste & while costs are debated, your food waste is landfilled because you don’t have an organics cart
The BagEZ food waste sorting system provides an immediate, measurable, cost-effective solution.

recycling and garbage contamination rates

1. Room To Grow

Audits state more than 30% of waste in garbage & recycling bins is organic and concerning

2. It's Gets Too Messy

Cleaning a green bin is nasty work many just don’t want & find clever ways to get rid of their food waste
what goes in the green bin toronto Ottawa ontario
BagEZ inclusive composting system

3. Easy Composting For All

Today everyone wants easy, fast & hassle-free & Hygenic solutions BagEZ does all that & more

4. Divert Food From Landfill

Most homes dump out about 6 lbs of food waste, BagEZ gets rid of excuses to avoid green bin use
mess free green bin system BagEZ
Waste management made easy with BagEZ

5. Change Is In Your Hands

If 1,500 homes bin 1 lb of food waste, They keep 35,000 kilos of organics matter out of landfills
Unboxing BagEZ in your box

About BagEZ

We are based in Toronto, Canada, and our mission is to eliminate the grossness associated with waste management.

We believe people must value food waste as a valuable resource & help keep it out of landfills

BagEZ trash can garbage bin BagEZ and trash bag size fit chart and guide
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