
sMess Free Food Separation System

Food Waste Management: A New Approach

Improper food waste management has made organics, a valuable natural resource, a worldwide problem. Organic matter in landfills creates greenhouse gases that speed up global warming. Various educational food waste management programs tried to improve separation rates with minor success, so we decided on “A New Approach.

What is unavoidable food waste?

food waste plateUnavoidable food waste is food that has turned, gone wrong, spoiled, or is no longer fit for consumption.

It can also account for table scraps & leftovers that we have lost interest in and discarded. 


Food waste Management: storage & collection

garbage can outdoor recycling and green bin for food wasteGreen bin Solutions: Green cartshave been provided to make storing and collecting residential food waste easy.

The bins provided range from 13 to 35-gallon carts and 65 to 95-gallon. 

These large bins let garbage trucks do the heavy lifting. This improves collection times and prevents injury to sanitation workers.

The Problem:

food waste in landfill dumpsite bag managementBad food waste management results the loss of valuable natural resources & contamination of recyclable materials.

Organics also emit greenhouse gases in landfills, causing them to reach capacity sooner because they render recyclables to garbage. 

Why does food waste contamination happen?

yuck-factors food waste odorsYuck factors are one of the leading causes of contamination. 

Existing, cost-effective & convenient ways to manage waste without becoming another chore have failed. Foul odors and maggots and preventing nuisance pests by performing regular bin cleaning have prevented people from using their bins properly. 

Organics are chucked and placed in the wrong bin to prevent this mess and hassle. They often end up in the container, whose turn is to be placed curbside. 

The reasoning is that the faster this messy waste is removed, the less of a hassle it can become. 

This attitude has caused waste diversion rates to stagnate.

The few organic sorters help, but the population must get involved for real change.

Implemented Food Waste Management Solutions 

plastic bin linersIn Ottawa, diversion rates were horrendous. Rule makers realized the average person would not go above & beyond for the environment, but the contamination issue and waste capture rates still needed to be addressed. Guess What!

Ottawa did a U-turn & changed the rules. Now, In Ottawa, plastic bags are allowed in the green bins.

A new approach to food waste management. 

Everyone wants to do the right thing and fight climate change as long as it’s easy. Sorting trash where we make it at home is vital. Separated waste helps facilities recycle better. However, finding a solution for everyone is not easy.

home food waste disposal in trash canThe thin plastic grocery and compostable kitchen bin liners used to dispose of food waste leak when pilled on each other. This causes gunk to build up over time, which raises a stink and attracts pests if not cleaned.

Larger compostable & trash bags available in stores hold waste easily, but they do not fit over the large bins. 

BagEZ eliminates the problems holding change back. Making Food Waste Management mess and hassle-free encourages proper disposal and more significant recovery. Its new residential food waste diversion approach also automatically betters the recycling collection process. BagEZ does this by connecting your bag to the bin.

BagEZ easily integrates into existing residential waste collection methods or systems without disruption.

BagEZ Improving Food Waste Management & Diversion

Clean A Green Garbage BinEvery day, in-store compostable, Biodegradable, and plastic bags from 8 gallons onwards are affordable and readily available. You can now use them to hold your waste in your wheelie bin.

Everything yucky gets confined in the bag, & gets taken away during curbside collection, leaving you with a clean, fresh bin every time.

Imagine lifting the lid of your bin after the garbage truck has come by and finding a mess-free, perfectly clean can you did not have to spend any time cleaning.

Yes, you get clean bins every time, minus the hassle.

BagEZ turns trash cans into a self-cleaning bin system.

How much easier can it get? (VIDEO)


Why BagEZ Works?

Mess & hassle-free home food waste management

happy effortless clean green bins food wasteCleaning a nasty bin full of rotting, stinking waste is one of the most disgusting chores. Now, imagine never having to do it again. With BagEZ, the results are immediate and visible.

A clean trash can sits in the driveway after the garbage truck takes the garbage away. It feels like you are using a city bin, where all you do is chuck your scraps & walk on, never bothered, letting someone else clean the mess. 

BagEZ does precisely what it’s meant to make waste management easy.

x ray 2 bins text shadows small how BagEZ worksNo matter your bin size, you cover your bags and put them in place. It takes seconds to set up. It’s that easy!

Solid steel securely holds heavy bags up to 55 lbs (25 kg), so you do not have to worry about bags slipping off. 

When a bag gets full, replacing it with new bags is effortless and requires no heavy lifting. The bag is already in the bin, where it needs to be, allowing you to use it to capacity.

Free up garage space

small useless garage trash canRegular in-store trash bags do not fit the large 35, 65, or 95-gallon trash cans, so an extra bin or metal can with a lid between 20 and 32 gallons is used in the garage. Ancontainerin occupies space, and in the garage, it’s gold. Getting by without rubbing up against them is another task.

Using these bins is also inefficient. As bags get full, lifting them out becomes difficult, and you must carry the heavy bag and toss it into your large bin. 

With BagEZ, everything happens in your large bin, eliminating all the extra inefficient work. It’s just better, easier food waste management.

Why education, regulations, awareness & BagEZ is needed to improve capture.

Education & awareness have improved waste diversion rates across the region. The hiring of bin inspectors that tag improperly sorted waste in bins has increased. Punitive measures were adopted to enhance collections and news articles of communities receiving penalties. This creates a short-term benefit, and people revert.
food waste management educationWe all want to keep the environment clean, provided we are not inconvenienced.
People know that food waste is the most significant cause of contamination and must be disposed of in the green bin. Yet it’s found in the recycling bin and garbage can. Not everyone cares. Wet and dry waste get mixed because proper sorting is a considerable inconvenience.
BagEZ eliminates nasty trash can troubles without altering how you use them. Lift the lid, drop litter in, and shut your cover just as you do now- it’s that simple! 
The key is eliminating the yucky factors that cause improper food waste management. This makes BagEZ a valuable tool in the recycling process. Awareness and education: Let everyone know about the systems and devices available to help.
Businesses and governments must work together to prevent climate change. Scientists have said we have a decade to reverse climate change. Altering habits takes time, and we do not have that time. Providing tools that help make disposal easier for homeowners will speed up diversion.
More than (86,000) eighty-six thousand tons of garbage are produced daily in Canada.

The Added benefits you get with BagEZ


  • Save water ( Why wash a clean trash can)
  • Saves Time ( Again, with no bin to clean, you can put your feet up and relax)
  • Save money (No bin cleaning products or water bills; use affordable regular-size bags vs. costly oversized bin bags).
  • Prevents groundwater contamination ( Germs & chemicals polluted water cleaning bins seeping into storm drains)
  • Multi-use bag holder for indoor/outdoor waste management (Raking & bag leaves, outdoor party & event popup bin)
  • DIY T-shirt shopping bag holder. ( plastic grocery bag alternative & textile upcycling)
  • Make a 96-gallon trash can into a dual-compartment bin- Event/ festival waste management

Customizable for multiple cleanup waste management jobs

Pollution cleanup & prevention control

1:Litter pickup (Beach & shoreline, and environment litter clean up)

2:Portable popup bins to reduce litter & clean up time at events ( Festivals/ Street Protests, parks)

see the difference medium vs large trash bag holder

If we want to change, we must work together. Similarly, pairing BagEZ with a tough bag & odor control product gets you a complete mess & hassle-free system. A self-cleaning trash can system that only needs you to do your part, & sort waste to fight climate change.
We recommend buying the BagEZ medium holder. If your trash bin is between 35 and 96 gallons, use any bag from 9 gallons onwards. The 13-gallon bag is the most used bag size in North America.
If your bin is between 21 and 35 gallons, the BagEZ small is perfect. It fits bags from 8 gallons and up.

Climate Change Needs a Champion

climate champion Thank you for getting involved in the climate change movement. Remember, only when we act together can we make a change & we cannot do it alone. We need your support. Spread the word and make others aware of the problems with improper organics disposal. Because it’s a bother that tools are available to make sorting waste mess-free.

We would love to hear from you, your thoughts and questions.

Stay safe.

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